Transform dot-noted strings with Laravel's `undot()` method

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The Laravel Collection class is packed with powerful methods that can simplify your coding tasks. One such feature is the undot() method, which allows you to transform dot-noted strings back into nested arrays effortlessly. This can be particularly useful when working with complex, hierarchical data structures. Let's explore how to use this method with different real-life examples.

What is undot()?

The undot() method converts a collection with dot-noted keys into a nested array. This can be very handy when you need to restructure flat configurations or any other flat data that uses dot notation for nesting.

Real-Life Example 1: Transforming Product Attributes

Imagine you are working on an e-commerce platform, and you have product attributes stored in a flat structure using dot notation. At some point, you may need to convert this flat data back into a nested array to make it easier to manage and display product details.

Example Code

Let's start by creating a collection with product attributes in dot notation:

// Collection of product attributes in dot notation
$productAttributes = collect([
    '' => 'Smartphone',
    'product.specifications.screen_size' => '6.5 inches',
    'product.specifications.battery' => '4000 mAh',
    '' => '12 MP',
    'product.price' => 699.99,

// Convert dot-noted keys to nested array
$product = $productAttributes->undot();



    "product" => [
        "name" => "Smartphone",
        "specifications" => [
            "screen_size" => "6.5 inches",
            "battery" => "4000 mAh",
            "camera" => "12 MP"
        "price" => 699.99

In this example, we start with a collection containing product attributes where the keys are in dot notation. By applying the undot() method, we convert this flat structure into a nested array, making it easier to work with the data, especially when you need to display product details in a structured format.


The undot() method is a powerful addition to the Laravel Collection methods, allowing you to handle and transform data structures efficiently. By leveraging this method, you can ensure that your application processes data in a clean and maintainable way, especially when dealing with hierarchical or nested information.

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