Transform Array Values into Enum Instances with Laravel's mapInto Method

Ever struggled with transforming array values into enum instances in Laravel? The enhanced Collection::mapInto method now offers first-class support for PHP 8.1 Enums, making enum mapping elegant and straightforward.
When PHP 8.1 introduced Enums as a first-class feature, it gave developers a powerful way to define a set of possible values for a type. Laravel has fully embraced this feature, and the Collection::mapInto method now provides a clean solution for transforming raw values into proper enum instances - especially useful when handling user input that needs conversion to type-safe enum cases.
Let's see how it works:
public function store(Request $request)
'features' => ['array'],
'features.*' => [new Enum(Feature::class)],
$features = $request
if ($features->contains(Feature::DarkMode)) {
// Enable dark mode functionality
Real-World Example
Here's a more comprehensive example showing how you might use this feature in a user preferences system:
namespace App\Enums;
enum Feature: string
case DarkMode = 'dark_mode';
case BetaFeatures = 'beta_features';
case AdvancedAnalytics = 'advanced_analytics';
case CustomThemes = 'custom_themes';
public function isEnterprise(): bool
return in_array($this, [
class UserPreferencesController extends Controller
public function update(Request $request)
'features' => ['array'],
'features.*' => [new Enum(Feature::class)],
// Transform string values into Feature enum instances
$features = $request
// Check for enterprise features
$hasEnterpriseFeatures = $features
->filter(fn (Feature $feature) => $feature->isEnterprise())
if ($hasEnterpriseFeatures && !$request->user()->hasEnterpriseAccess()) {
return back()->withErrors([
'features' => 'Some selected features require an enterprise subscription'
// Store the selected features
'features' => $features->all()
return redirect()->route('')
->with('status', 'Preferences updated successfully');
Behind the scenes, the mapInto
method creates each enum instance by passing the original value to the enum class. For string-backed enums, this process converts string values like 'dark_mode'
to the corresponding enum case Feature::DarkMode
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