Transform Array Values into Enum Instances with Laravel's mapInto Method

Transform Array Values into Enum Instances with Laravel's mapInto Method

Ever struggled with transforming array values into enum instances in Laravel? The enhanced Collection::mapInto method now offers first-class support for PHP 8.1 Enums, making enum mapping elegant and straightforward.

When PHP 8.1 introduced Enums as a first-class feature, it gave developers a powerful way to define a set of possible values for a type. Laravel has fully embraced this feature, and the Collection::mapInto method now provides a clean solution for transforming raw values into proper enum instances - especially useful when handling user input that needs conversion to type-safe enum cases.

Let's see how it works:

public function store(Request $request)
        'features' => ['array'],
        'features.*' => [new Enum(Feature::class)],
    $features = $request
    if ($features->contains(Feature::DarkMode)) {
        // Enable dark mode functionality

Real-World Example

Here's a more comprehensive example showing how you might use this feature in a user preferences system:


namespace App\Enums;

enum Feature: string
    case DarkMode = 'dark_mode';
    case BetaFeatures = 'beta_features';
    case AdvancedAnalytics = 'advanced_analytics';
    case CustomThemes = 'custom_themes';
    public function isEnterprise(): bool
        return in_array($this, [

class UserPreferencesController extends Controller
    public function update(Request $request)
            'features' => ['array'],
            'features.*' => [new Enum(Feature::class)],
        // Transform string values into Feature enum instances
        $features = $request
        // Check for enterprise features
        $hasEnterpriseFeatures = $features
            ->filter(fn (Feature $feature) => $feature->isEnterprise())
        if ($hasEnterpriseFeatures && !$request->user()->hasEnterpriseAccess()) {
            return back()->withErrors([
                'features' => 'Some selected features require an enterprise subscription'
        // Store the selected features
            'features' => $features->all()
        return redirect()->route('')
            ->with('status', 'Preferences updated successfully');

Behind the scenes, the mapInto method creates each enum instance by passing the original value to the enum class. For string-backed enums, this process converts string values like 'dark_mode' to the corresponding enum case Feature::DarkMode.

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