Simplify model interactions with increment() and decrement() in Laravel

Efficiently managing model attributes is crucial for maintaining clean and readable code. Laravel offers built-in methods like increment() and decrement() to streamline the process of increasing or decreasing attribute values. These methods are particularly useful for handling counters, stock levels, or any scenario where you need to adjust numeric values frequently.

Understanding increment() and decrement()

The increment() and decrement() methods allow you to easily increase or decrease the value of a specified attribute without manually updating the model. This not only simplifies your code but also ensures that your changes are immediately saved to the database.

Basic Usage

Here’s a basic example to illustrate how increment() and decrement() work:

// Increment the views by 1

// Decrement the views by 1

In this example, the increment() method increases the views attribute of the Post model by 1, while the decrement() method decreases it by 1.

Real-Life Example

Consider a scenario where you have an e-commerce application and you need to manage product stock levels. You can use increment() and decrement() to adjust the stock quantity when products are purchased or returned. Here’s how you can implement this:

use App\Models\Product;

class ProductController extends Controller
    public function purchase(Product $product)
        // Decrease the stock by 1
        $product->decrement('stock', 1);

        // Additional logic for purchase
        // ...

        return back()->with('status', 'Product purchased successfully!');

    public function return(Product $product)
        // Increase the stock by 1
        $product->increment('stock', 1);

        // Additional logic for return
        // ...

        return back()->with('status', 'Product returned successfully!');

In this example, the purchase method decreases the product stock by 1 when a product is purchased, and the return method increases the stock by 1 when a product is returned. This approach ensures that the stock levels are accurately managed with minimal code.

Pro Tip

You can also use these methods to increment or decrement by a specific value other than 1:

// Increment the stock by 5
Product::find($productId)->increment('stock', 5);

// Decrement the stock by 2
Product::find($productId)->decrement('stock', 2);

This flexibility allows you to adjust the attribute values based on your specific requirements, making these methods even more powerful.


The increment() and decrement() methods in Laravel are invaluable tools for managing numeric attributes in your models. By using these methods, you can write cleaner and more efficient code, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving maintainability.

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