Fluent Request Data Handling in Laravel
Managing request data just got smoother in Laravel. The new fluent() method on the Request class lets you handle input data with grace, providing null-safe access and enhanced transportability.
Basic Usage
Transform your request data into a fluent instance:
/** @var Illuminate\Http\Request $request */
$data = $request->fluent();
// Access properties safely
Real-World Example
Here's how to implement fluent request handling in a comment system:
class CommentController extends Controller
public function store(CommentRequest $request)
$comment = (new CreateComment)->handle(
return response()->json($comment);
class CreateComment
public function handle(Fluent $data): Comment
return Comment::create([
'title' => $data->title,
'body' => $data->body,
'user_id' => auth()->id(),
'metadata' => [
'browser' => $data->browser,
'platform' => $data->platform
class ProcessCommentJob implements ShouldQueue
public function __construct(
public Fluent $data
) {}
public function handle()
// Safe access to nullable fields
$notifications = $this->data->notifications ?? 'default';
$priority = $this->data->priority ?? 'normal';
return Comment::process([
'content' => $this->data->body,
'settings' => [
'notify' => $notifications,
'priority' => $priority
The fluent() method makes request data handling more elegant and safer, especially when dealing with nullable values.
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