Enhance Your Queue System with Laravel's New JobQueueing Event

Enhance Your Queue System with Laravel's New JobQueueing Event

Laravel's queue system just got more flexible with the introduction of the JobQueueing event. This pre-queue hook opens up new possibilities for monitoring and manipulating jobs before they're dispatched.

Laravel's event-driven queue system already provides several hooks for tracking a job's lifecycle, such as JobProcessing and JobProcessed. Now, with the addition of the JobQueueing event, you can tap into an earlier stage - the moment just before a job is sent to your queue provider.

Let's see how this new event works:

use Illuminate\Queue\Events\JobQueueing;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;

// Listen for the JobQueueing event
Event::listen(function (JobQueueing $event) {
    // Access the job, connection name, and payload
    $job = $event->job;
    $connectionName = $event->connectionName;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    // Perform actions before the job is queued

Real-World Example

This event unlocks several practical use cases. Here's how you might use it in a service provider:


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Queue\Events\JobQueueing;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
        // Log information about jobs being queued
        Event::listen(function (JobQueueing $event) {
            if (app()->environment('local')) {
                Log::info('Queueing job', [
                    'job' => get_class($event->job),
                    'connection' => $event->connectionName,
                    'queue' => $event->payload['queue'] ?? 'default'

By leveraging the JobQueueing event, you can build more sophisticated queue monitoring systems or implement custom logic that needs to run just before a job enters your queue provider.

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