Easily combine Collections with collect()->merge() in Laravel

Combining multiple arrays or collections into a single, unified collection is a common task in Laravel. The collect()->merge() method simplifies this process, making it easy to manage complex data structures. Let’s explore how to use collect()->merge() to enhance your data handling in Laravel projects.

Understanding collect()->merge()

The collect()->merge() method is part of Laravel's Collection class. It allows you to merge one or more arrays or collections into the original collection, resulting in a new collection containing all elements from the merged data.

Basic Usage

Here’s a basic example to demonstrate the use of collect()->merge():

$collection1 = collect(['name' => 'John']);
$collection2 = collect(['age' => 30]);

$merged = $collection1->merge($collection2);

print_r($merged->all()); // Output: ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30]

In this example, collect()->merge() combines two collections into a single collection containing both elements.

Real-Life Example

Consider a scenario where you are building an application that manages user profiles. Each profile contains basic information and additional details stored in separate arrays. You need to merge these arrays to create a complete user profile. Here’s how collect()->merge() can help:

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class UserProfileController extends Controller
    public function show($id)
        // Basic user information
        $basicInfo = collect([
            'id' => $id,
            'name' => 'Jane Doe',
            'email' => 'jane@example.com',

        // Additional user details
        $additionalInfo = collect([
            'age' => 28,
            'location' => 'New York',
            'profession' => 'Software Developer',

        // Merging the collections
        $completeProfile = $basicInfo->merge($additionalInfo);

        return view('user.profile', ['profile' => $completeProfile]);

In this example, the show method merges the basic information and additional details into a single collection using collect()->merge(). This combined collection is then passed to the view, providing a complete user profile.


The collect()->merge() method in Laravel is a powerful tool for combining multiple arrays or collections into one. Whether you're managing user profiles, merging configuration options, or handling complex data structures, collect()->merge() simplifies the process and enhances your data management capabilities. Give it a try in your next project to see how it can streamline your workflow.

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